Red / Consejo Iberoamericano de donación y transplantes
The priority lines of action remains focused on:
Training programmes for professionals in donation and transplantation.
Definition of standards and guides for clinical practice.
Global analysis of the donation and transplantation situation in Latin America.
Definition of areas of improvement and cooperation in management, planning and organization.
Communication and information policies.
Definition of strategies for improvement in immunosuppressive therapy.
Analysis of economic aspects of donation and transplantation.
There are several milestones reached since the creation of the RCIDT:
Donation and Transplantation Organizations have been created, restructured or revived in countries where the transplantation activities were small or non-existent. These organizations rely on the health authorities or they work with their support. Coordinating networks have been created as well.
The transplant coordinators trainings are being consolidated through courses in collaboration with different countries. The courses are focused on the different regional areas according to the detected inequalities.
Several countries have revised their legal requirements in order to meet the legal and ethical framework of the WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplantation.
Initiatives on harmonization are being developed in order to establish homogenous criteria with the scientific societies and in accordance with international standards. In this line, the RCIDT has produced technical and ethical guidelines that are considered as reference for the development of the transplantation programs in the region.